We do not need to live on as we lived yesterday. Let’s get rid of this view, and a thousand possibilities invite us to a new life.
Constructive communication is a key component of a long-term well-functioning partnership.
Couple therapy means working with the couple on mutual esteem, optimizing the culture of communication and finding out how the relationship between couples can be made equally beautiful for both.
Sometimes it also helps both people to find a good way of separation.
In both cases mindful communication is essential. I will gladly support you.
Couples communicating are impulse sessions (e.g. every 3 - 4 weeks), in which new communication patterns are worked out, agreements are made and old injuries are processed together.
“Couples in communication” – Appointments last 100 minutes each.
Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood
George Orwell
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